In the midst of the euphoria caused by his latest songs, Leury José Tejeda Brito, better known as “Chimbala”, is preparing to offer the first major virtual show of 2021, thanks to Ultra Conciertos, the successful digital platform that made history last year with the streaming of Sergio Vargas, Marcos Yaroide and Don Miguelo.
On Saturday, February 20, the public will enjoy “Chimbala a otro nivel” (Chimbala on another level), like never before in his performances, with an excellent live band and guest artists from 10:00 pm.
Fidel Romeo, general producer of the concert and creator of the platform www.ultraconciertos.com/, informed that tickets for this new performance can already be purchased by the artist’s followers on this same online channel, at a cost of 9.99 dollars each ticket.
“We are very happy to continue offering the audience a line-up with stars that are dominating the recording industry in the Dominican Republic, as is the case of urban music idol Chimbala. We will start in style with this first release of 2021, until God allows us to return to the live stages”, said Romeo.
Chimbala has almost two million listeners on Spotify and 2.2 million subscribers on YouTube, which generates more than 650 million views on this popular channel.
Recently, he placed in the popular taste several songs such as “Cuarentena” “El juidero”, “Ataca”, “Que me importa a mí” and “Qué será”, which made him a leader of the Dominican urban genre.
The singer was born on May 18,1989 in the district 27 of CHAFebrero in the capital, into a modest family. When he was very young, his family moved to Los Guaricanos, where, out of necessity and driven by the desire to move forward after his father’s death, he began to produce songs for all his friends in the area.
Producer and then singer
As a producer, he achieved success with several songs and by producing other colleagues who today have had success in the Dominican Republic and in foreign waters, such as El Alfa, Toxic Crow, among others. His success as a singer came in 2011, when he managed to place in the popular taste several dembows, among them, “Digo e”, “Con los pies”, “Llégale”, “Te prendo” and “Te me va a doblar”. Since then, his popularity locally and abroad did not stop, with many performances in his native country, as well as in the United States, Europe, Argentina and several Caribbean islands.
In May 2018, he decided to change a little bit his musical line, which was dembow, and added new colours to his productions, by recording the great musical hit “Maniquí”, which took him to the top, as well as the remix with Puerto Rican star Farruko. From this new step, he was very successful with “Túmbala”, “Celoso”, “El boom”, “Yo no sé” and “Soltero”, among others.
His collaborations with Juan Magán, Guaynaa, Jay Wheeler, Juhn “El All Star”, Lenny Tavárez, Mozart La Para, Don Miguelo, El Mayor Clásico, among others, were also very popular.