From June 10 to 25 (from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm), the Fort Fleur d’Épée in Le Gosier host the exhibition entitled “Les Espaces de l’Intime” (The Spaces of the Intimate ) and presented by Franck Thévenaud of Concept Art. It brings together the works of Alain Joséphine, a native of Martinique, and Florence Poirier-Nkpa, a native of France who has been living for a few years in St. Martin.
“To speak of the Intimate, is to evoke this zone which is situated at a very deep level of the psychic life which generally remains hidden under the appearance, impenetrable to the external observation, sometimes also to analysis of the subject itself”.
Florence Poirier-Nkpa and Alain Joséphine raise in this unprecedented exhibition, a part of their intimate universe. This unveiling takes place in a different way in each of them.
For Florence Poirier-Nkpa, it proceeds from a superimposition of images, portions of faces, at the end of which the artist metaphorically “finds herself” in the sum of the human encounters that constitute her. As for Alain Joséphine, he explores his intimate relationship with nature by questioning through painting the ways in which it becomes visible to him. Painting stemming from memories of a childhood spent exploring the countryside, the artist keeps a strong impregnation that structures his pictorial reality.
The exhibition of these two artists thus reveals the multiple facets of an expression that conditions the function of art itself : revealing the invisible, the unknown.
“Les Espaces de l’Intime” invites us to this experience.