Produced by Y-Not Productions, “Buss A Whine” which is performed by Guadeloupean reggae-dancehall singer Haya is available on all digital platforms since yesterday.
As Haya told us in his recent interview with us, his new track “Buss A Whine” was released on Friday 18 September. The singer, who is also a producer, had not offered a song to his fans for three years because he was very busy with singer Nashoo’s career.
The song “Buss A Whine” is produced by Y-Not Productions, directed by Sens’s High J, a Franco-Beninese beatmaker who has already composed a lot of music for Jamaican stars such as Elephant Man, Movado among others. He is also officially one of the beatmakers for SpaceShip Music, the production company of Haya and Nashoo, and has now decided to release his own “one riddims”.
“Buss A Whine” as well as all the other tracks on this album entitled Purple Wave Riddim are destined for Jamaica and English-speaking countries. “This song is for the ladies” (…) “Buss A Whine” will eventually allow me to resume my career in these English-speaking territories, to assert myself alongside very well known artists”, Haya told us in his interview.
Today, the artist said: “Happy! This release is my first solo single since a long time, I intend to continue in this direction and I am already preparing the continuation. “Music is the healing of the nation”, it’s a period that confirms the expression. Lockdown, decrease in activity in the sector allowed me to reconnect with music”.