On 8, 15 and 22 November respectively, they will be presented on the new “streaming” platform in Dominican Republic.
“Covidianity” has changed entertainment and for this reason, every day new platforms are added to offer the audience different options to enjoy their favourite artists. On this basis, Ultraconciertos.com is born, the new stage will open its virtual doors with three live streaming concerts.
The first to make his debut on this platform will be “El negrito de Villa”, Sergio Vargas who, with a suitcase full of merengue and bolero hits, will land at Ultraconciertos.com with “Toque de queda” on November 8 at 9:00 pm.
But, not only secular audience will have the opportunity to see its favourite singer live via streaming. Sacred music lovers will also have their musical banquet with Marcos Yaroide, one of the most successful religious artists of that time. “Marcos Yaroide Streaming” is the title of the concert that the pastor will give on November 15 at 9:00 pm.
The urban music will be played by Don Miguelo, one of the most popular urban artists of the moment. The performer of “¿Y qué fue?” will be on the stage of Ultra Conciertos on Sunday November 22 in “Don Miguelo Live 2.0” at 9:00 pm.
Fidel Romeo, the general producer of these concerts and creator of the platform http://www.ultraconciertos.com/
said: “My team and I are very excited about this new proposal. Times have changed and the ideal is to look for adequate alternatives to meet the needs of the audience until everything returns to normal. That is why we are presenting this proposal where quality will be our letter of introduction”.
The concerts will cost US$ 10 each and the electronic tickets can be purchased from now on the website http://www.ultraconciertos.com/.