Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Santo Domingo – I hereby wish to inform you that in the early morning of today, Tuesday, December 28 of this year, due to some flu symptoms and other discomforts, I decided to proceed with the SARS-Covid-2 test by RT-PCR and the result was DETECTED – POSITIVE. At the same time, I am currently being seen by my pulmonologist and so far I do not have any unusual symptoms; only bad flu.
Given this, it is my responsibility to provide this information to everyone, especially to the people with whom I have commitments of private and public activities, all these days until January 1, 2022 and obviously I have to cancel them. My entire work team will now proceed with the Covid-19 tests.
Unfortunately, many of us have been affected by Covid-19 and I take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding. at the same time, I apologize with great responsibility and regret to all those who have been affected in relation to the activities of all these last days and their changes.
Sincerely, Eddy Herrera