After “Au nom de l’Amour”, the talented musician and singer from Martinique and Guadeloupe, Lycinaïs Jean, has released “Tout est Flou”, two singles from her second album Mèch Reb’l whose physical release is announced for December 11, 2020.
Three years after the release of her eponymous first album, young singer and musician Lycinaïs Jean is back with a new album entitled Mèche Reb’l. The digital release of this new artistic proposal, produced by Melmax/Kuroneko, took place on November 13 and the physical release is scheduled for December 11.
The audience has already discovered two singles from this new opus, namely “Au nom de l’Amour”, a song which, as its name suggests, is about love but also forgiveness, with zouk-konpa sounds that are highly appreciated by many fans, and “Tout est Flou” (released on 25 September), which is about a woman who runs away when her romantic relationships may become serious, perhaps for fear of suffering; the video released last October now exceeds 1,2 million views on YouTube. Moreover, these two singles are currently ranked Yacast, this indicator of the best music broadcasts (radio, TV, web, discos).
In her biography, the artist stated that she “is revisiting the codes of urban pop and she is taking on a new dimension with this more mature album, between shadow and light, like a sweet and sour chat for women”. What is clear is that those who hoped to find only “zouking” sounds on this record will be disappointed. The artist who wants to feel free musically has preferred to distance herself from zouk…
Moreover, there is no track in Creole because singing in French is a choice made by the artist for some time now in order to reach a wider audience. It is also a strategic choice which reflects Lycinaïs Jean’s desire to have a national and, why not, an international career…

Caribbean pop music
Mèche Reb’l is therefore a variety of different and mixed rhythms that cannot be compared as they were concocted by the singer and musician herself. Of the 11 tracks, only 4 were not composed by her. In addition to “Au nom de l’Amour” and “Tout est flou”, we find “Yuh Body”, “Pas A Pas”, “Pas dans L Mood”, “Connasse” or “Summer Affair”… The guitar is sometimes very present, sometimes the singer’s voice is soft, sometimes it is broken a little bit. The artist who is interested in all musical styles describes her music as “Caribbean pop” and she would say “I am Caribbean and not just West Indian”… except that Caribbean and West Indian might cause some confusion while it is the same but Guadeloupeans and Martinicans tend to believe that they are the only West Indians while in other islands of our region people are also West Indians…
On Saturday November 21 at 12:00 am (in Guadeloupe and Martinique), the singer who lives in France had the opportunity to offer to her many fans a twenty minute showcase on her Facebook page (and on the page of some local media that wanted it) during which she presented her second album, accompanied by her guitar.
Lycinaïs Jean (better pronounced “Djin” like Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean”) sees herself as a self-taught “Caribbean” artist. Born in the Paris region to a Guadeloupean mother and a Martinican father, the young girl discovered music when her grandparents gave her a guitar. As a teenager, she joined a band with which she performed live, she is a guitarist, drummer and singer. In 2011, she decided to post videos on the internet where she performed with her guitar different songs, among which those of Patrick Saint-Éloi. These are first seen by her family and friends but very soon her audience will grow.
200 concerts in less than 2 years
In 2014, with a frail body and a kind face, the young artist will storm in show business with her first single entitled “Aimer” which will be a success. She will release three more singles before presenting her first album to the public in 2017, which will include tracks such as “Je suis condamnée”, “Mwen enméw” or “Parfait Tourment” which will also be hits.
Refusing to enter into a character, Lycinaïs Jean did not hesitate to come out publicly which caused many not necessarily positive comments even if, in her biography, it is written “what the audience greatly appreciates”…
Determined and passionate, the young artist continues her career. She has given more than 200 concerts in less than two years. With her musicians, she has already performed in mythical Parisian venues such as the Élysée Montmartre and the Olympia. In 2019, she also was the opening act for Kassav’s 40th anniversary concert in Guadeloupe and Martinique.
Lycinaïs Jean’s next concerts were scheduled for December 2020 in France, but the country is experiencing now its second lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the restart of concerts will not take place until January 2021, according to the French Government.