Because of the current health context, the organizing association of the Fémi, Images et Culture du Monde, has opted for a hybrid 26th edition.
Thus, from January 22 to 29, the Guadeloupean film festival will be entirely online with film screenings and web-conferences on the Cinédile Caribbean VOD platform as well as on the Femi’s social networks (Facebook and Instagram).
In a month, the organizers hope that the wave of contamination that currently affects the Guadeloupe archipelago will be over. They therefore plan that from February 23 to 26, 2022, the public and guests will be received in the usual places to attend screenings of new films, meet people and live the closing ceremony.
The guest of honor of this edition is Gessica Généus, the Haitian director of the film Fréda, selected for the Cannes Film Festival 2021. She will preside over the 3 juries of the 43 films in competition this year.
Among the novelties of this francophone film festival in the Caribbean, there is a richer program. “By opening the doors of its film selection to productions from Latin America, the southern spaces of the United States, the Femi is anchored in its American space. This anchoring will be reinforced by a rich programming focused on heritage, diversity and promotion of women in the film industry”, says the organization.
Moreover, as the condition of women in the world is a central concern for the Femi, a new category Women in the World has been added to the existing categories : Window on the World, Carte Blanche and Country of honour.
The list of awards has also been expanded with the Best Screenplay Award, in tribute to Osange Silou Kieffer, an honorary award to pay tribute to a personality who has worked for Afro-Caribbean cinema and, this year, it will be awarded to Christian Lara for his entire career.
The Images et Cultures du Monde association also launches two calls for projects for workshops reserved for professionals in the sector with the support of La Maison des scénaristes and Trace Studio. The objective of these workshops is to support the development of film and audiovisual projects by assisting the creators. The first one is a call for feature film projects for authors, at the writing stage. The candidates will participate in the script lab organized by the Maison des scénaristes and the FEMI. An Audience Award will be given to the most popular project. The second is a call for TV series projects for producers/directors at the development stage and in search of partners. Two of the best projects will receive a distribution mandate at Trace.