With an arsenal of a successful repertoire built throughout their career, Los Hermanos Rosario arrived in Manta to participate in the celebration of the 101st anniversary of this emblematic Ecuadorian city.
The performance of the “Rosario Bomb” took place last Friday at El Murciélago Beach, in front of an eagerly awaiting audience, who were there for more than eight hours waiting for the performance of the “Masters of Swing”.
With the notes of the iconic “Rompecintura”, the party began and immediately the great human mass, composed of more than 100,000 people, surrendered to the dance, pleasure and joy that produces the music of these kings of merengue.
With “Borrón y Cuenta Nueva”, “Morena Ven”, “Video Clip”, “Mil Hora”, “La Cleptómana”, “Cumandé”, “El Fin de Semana”,“El Desdichado”, “Nuevecita de Caja”, among other great hits, the audience chanted, danced and enjoyed this presentation, which culminated with the favourite song since its release on the music market in 1995 “La dueña del swing”.
Once the show of these audience darlings was over, people clamoured for another song over and over again, which was not possible due to the rigor of time.
Fanny Lu, Tito El Bambino and Luis Fonsi were other attractions of the night.
During their stay, Los Hermanos Rosario were declared as “Illustrious Guest of Manta” by the Mayor’s Office led by the honorable Mayoress Marciana Valdivieso Zamora, who said that “Los Rosario are an iconic merengue band, which has made thousands of Manta residents dance, bringing the joy of life in this fun Manta”.
At the end of his performance Rafa Rosario expressed his joy for the wonderful welcome and response of the public to his musical proposal and for the affection shown by the people wherever they went. “Throughout our career we have come many times to Ecuador, in Guayaquil, Quito, Durán, Portoviejo, Cuenca, and many other places, but this is the first time we come to Manta. What an enthusiastic audience! Thank you Manta! Thank you Mrs. Mayoress for your recognition, we will keep this plaque in a very special place!”
Los Rosario continue to honor pending requests in the United States, and are already preparing, as every year, to deal with a busy schedule of commitments for Christmas in the Dominican Republic.