Prefect Alexandre Rochatte, will soon meet the carnival groups who need more explanations…
As was suggested by Alexandre Rochatte, the prefect of Guadeloupe, on Thursday, October 29, during his press conference on Covid-19 at the sub-prefecture of Pointe-à-Pitre, the organisation of “chanté Nwèl” and carnival was not “relevant”.
This Tuesday, November 10, at the prefecture, on the occasion of the same meeting to provide updated information on the situation of the disease in the Guadeloupean archipelago, the State representative confirmed this time that there will be no popular gatherings to sing Christmas carols, from late November to December 2020, and no parades or other carnival events, in early 2021.
The organizers of “chanté Nwèl” accepted this decision. Alexandre Rochatte will meet with the various carnival groups over the next few days but it is clear that this meeting will not change anything to the decision to cancel, delete or ban carnival that was taken.
With regard to the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, the prefectural and health authorities spoke of “downward stability” and “slow decline” for the last six weeks. In the week of November 2 to 8, 187 cases of Covid-19 were detected, 23 people were hospitalized and 6 patients died. The prefect and the committee of elected representatives insist on the respect of barrier gestures, in particular the wearing of masks. Controls and fines should increase. The aim is to avoid a third epidemic wave.
“Carnivaliers” will be happy with the hundreds of photos and dozens of videos published by their magazine, Kariculture, and by eating carnival donuts.