The gallery “L’Art s’en Mêle” was ravaged by fire

This Tuesday morning, April 4, the fire brigade was called to extinguish a fire that had broken out in a “commercial premises” located on the long road of La Riviéra in the town of Le Gosier. No one imagined that a well-known cultural venue in Guadeloupe – L’Art s’en Mêle – was disappearing.

After the long lockdown of 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was one of the very few spaces to open its doors in order to allow culture to revive and artists to start earning their living again, public halls were all closed…

Throughout the year, this art gallery hosted exhibitions in all artistic disciplines. At the moment (from 1 to 12 April 2023), the space was hosting works by artist Dylennion in an exhibition entitled “Le temps d’un reg’art”.

In addition to the art gallery, the space where usually between twenty and thirty artists were depositing their works in order to find buyers, as well as the shop where Fine Arts material was sold, were reduced to ashes by giant flames.

Viviane Pelus, the dynamic founder of L’Art s’en Mêle, whom Kariculture interviewed in 2020, told us today: “My heart is heavy. I have to accuse the shot. But yes, I will bounce back”.

The investigation into the causes of this disaster has been entrusted to the Pointe-à-Pitre police station.