On September 14, 2016, at 8:00 pm, the magazine Kariculture.net was launched on the internet. This project, conceived and prepared for three long years, saw finally the light of day through many sacrifices.
Many people did not believe in the realisation of this online magazine because, for them, it was too much work. Certain individuals who think that culture and the Caribbean are their private domains hoped that this new website focused on the Caribbean culture never becomes a reality…
But thanks to the work of each team member, we did it!
Kariculture.net made a remarkable entrance on the web. From the earliest days, our pages were visited by Internet users in dozens of countries. It should be noted that Kariculture.net is a trilingual magazine (French, English, Spanish).
We immediately offered a variety of articles in many cultural and artistic sections (literature, music, singing, dance, painting, sculpting, cinema, theater, photography, etc.). Our monthly calendar dedicated to cultural events in the Caribbean now became a must for numerous readers. On this matter, some people are pleasantly surprised by the large number of cultural events on our “small islands”, others are very amazed by the originality of the activities proposed.
We already knew that the Caribbean has an exceptional cultural and heritage wealth that deserves to be known to the Caribbean people but also to the foreigners. Covering all the cultural news in the Caribbean – from the Bahamas to Curaçao – is certainly an immense but not impracticable task.
Our principal regret is that we do not yet have more financial resources so that the current correspondents propose a greater number of reports on the cultural life in their island (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Martinique, Haiti).
These financial constraints also oblige us to delay the participation of other Caribbean journalists in Kariculture.net.
In addition, let us recall that Kariculture.net is not a blog but a real press organ with all French legal obligations…
Despite our very limited means, after one year of existence, we have already published 513 articles, almost 80,000 users from more than 180 countries have already visited about 250,000 pages of Kariculture.net and these data are constantly increasing. The three countries where we have the most readers are the United States, France and Brazil.
Our Facebook page has more than 7 000 followers, our Twitter account, more than 6 000 followers.
Thanks to all the professional journalists who participated in the launch of Kariculture.net : Alba Gómez (Puerto Rico), Rosmery Martínez (Dominican Republic), Amelia Duarte de la Rosa (Cuba), Gladys Dubois (Martinique), Godson Lubrun (Haiti), Jacob Janvier (Haiti).
Thanks to the professional photographers : Yander Zamora (Cuba), Bernard Boucard (Guadeloupe), Philippe Julan (Guadeloupe). Thanks to Marie-France Grugeaux-Etna (Journalist/Guadeloupe) and Willy Hilaire (Webmaster).
Thanks to the artists and to all the people who work in the cultural sector who gave us interviews.
Thanks to all the people (family members, friends…) who helped to create Kariculture.net.
Évelyne Chaville (Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Kariculture.net)